Saturday, November 16, 2013

Unexpected Benefits of Detoxing and more…

Enjoy the gift of today. Let the posts below challenge, inspire, and spark something inside of you.

Unexpected Benefits of Detoxing and more…


Unexpected Benefits of Detoxing

by Hayley Hobson

Yeah, I hear this all the time: "I just don't have the time." Yup, you're so busy that you don't have time to incorporate new habits into your life, let alone the healthy ones. Yeah, yeah, right, it's not that you don't WANT to be healthier or take care of yourself, but you don't have time to start yoga, chop and cook fresh veggies and fruit, meditate, take a relaxing bath. If you HAD that kind of time, you'd do it! Right??

I'm calling bullsh*t on this one.

You don't have the time to NOT think about your health.
@HayleyHobson (Click to Tweet!)

You only get this life, right? When are you EVER going to have or make the time you need to do healthier things? How much longer do you think your body will go at the pace you're going without you doing something healthy to support it?

I start most of my clients off with a detox program when we start working together. I, myself, do a detox several times a year. And I always learn something new about myself.


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Feeling Lonely? Consider Trying These 7 Strategies.

by Gretchen Rubin

One major challenge within happiness is loneliness. The more I've learned about happiness, the more I've come to believe that loneliness is a terrible, common, and important obstacle to consider.

According to Elizabeth Bernstein's recent Wall Street Journal piece, "Alone or Lonely," the rate of loneliness in the U.S. has doubled over the past thirty years. About 40% of Americans report being lonely; in the 1980s, it was 20%. One reason: more people live alone (27% in 2012; 17% in 1970). But being alone and being lonely aren't the same.

A while back, after reading John Cacioppo's fascinating book Loneliness, I posted some counter-intuitive facts about loneliness, and several people responded by asking, "Okay, but what do I do about it? What steps can I take to feel less lonely?"

I then read another fascinating book, Lonely—a memoir by Emily White about her own experiences and research into loneliness. White doesn't attempt to give specific advice about how to...

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First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.

by Positively Positive

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