Sunday, November 17, 2013

Some People Just Aren’t Thankful and more…

Enjoy the gift of today. Let the posts below challenge, inspire, and spark something inside of you.

Some People Just Aren't Thankful and more…


Some People Just Aren't Thankful

by Christine Carter

"To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven."
Johannes A. Gaertner

Gratitude is a part of the happiness holy grail. Compared with those who aren't practicing gratitude, scientists have found that people practicing gratitude:

  • Are considerably more enthusiastic, interested, and determined
  • Feel 25% happier
  • Are more likely to be both kind and helpful to others

Who doesn't want these things?

What we've learned is that gratitude is a SKILL, like learning to speak German or swing a bat. It needs to be taught, and it needs to be practiced consciously and deliberately. If your family doesn't have a regular gratitude routine, this is the week to start it.

Practicing gratitude can be blissfully simple: just count the things in your life that you feel thankful for and ask your kids to do the same.

But this can be easier said than done, especially since some people just...

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Is Your Commute Compromising Your Soul?

by Bethany Butzer, Ph.D.

Selling my car and moving to a big city means that I now ride the bus and subway a lot. Early in the morning, still half asleep, I greet my fellow commuters in the noise and bustle of public transit. For most people, this would be an everyday occurrence that wouldn't incite much thought or contemplation. But for me, the morning commute is much different.

As I gaze around at people's long, pale faces, bags under their eyes, heads buried in their iPhones, three emotions wash over me. First sadness, then anger, then love.

Let's start with emotion #1. I feel sad because not one of my fellow commuters looks happy. Every single person seems to be dreading wherever it is that they're going. They want more sleep, more time with their friends and family, and less time on the train. They use their phones to distract themselves from the fact that they are dissatisfied with their lives. Sure, they're comfortable. They make enough money to get by and have what some would call a...

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