Monday, November 18, 2013

An Open Letter to God and more…

Enjoy the gift of today. Let the posts below challenge, inspire, and spark something inside of you.

An Open Letter to God and more…


An Open Letter to God

by Chris Assaad

Dear God,

I trust you will get this letter wherever you are. I'm writing to you because I have a very special request. This isn't your typical prayer because I'm not asking for something small. I'm also not asking for you to intervene and restore peace in the growing number of war torn countries, to end world hunger and poverty, to heal disease, or to make my dreams come true (although all of those would be awesome)…but I am asking for a miracle. In fact, this is the biggest, most significant, and most important thing I've ever asked for.

I want to know you.

Like really know you.

I want to know who you are, what you're all about, and what you're like.

I've spent my whole life being told by others who you are and who you're not, what you are and what you're not, how you are and how you're not, and everything in between. I've been told where I would find you and where not even to bother looking. I've seen so many different depictions and pictures of...

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Life Moves Pretty Fast Sometimes. If You Don't Stop & Look Around Once in a While, You Could Miss It.

by Jennifer Pastiloff

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Ferris. As in Bueller.

I'm working on a longer piece on how immediate our lives are. On how quickly we respond, without really listening or paying attention simply because it's what we are used to.

Think of blog writing. You write something and hit publish, and just like that, it's a thing in the world. Texting. Posting our thoughts as we have them on Facebook or Twitter. Posting our food on Instagram. As we are chewing it.

It's what we are used to.

I think, however, that we need to pause more.
@JenPastiloff (Click to Tweet!)

Last month, when I was going through the ectopic pregnancy, so many people emailed me to say congratulations. Now, I understand that people didn't know what it was. (It's an awful thing. The pregnancy can't survive, and it can be life threatening to the mother), but having seen the word "ectopic" before pregnancy and the fact that...

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I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life's a bitch. You've got to go out and kick ass.

by Positively Positive

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