Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The In-Between and more…

Enjoy the gift of today. Let the posts below challenge, inspire, and spark something inside of you.

The In-Between and more…


The In-Between

by Dani Shapiro

I forget every time the feeling that hits me when I have finished one book but have not yet begun another. This between-books limbo is, for me, like a long, slow leaching of color from the world. A steady decline of mood and connection to the universe, until, one day, I wake up and hardly know who I am.

We are always between things. We walk or drive or take the bus from point A to point B. Our mind drifts. We lose sight of the present.
@DanijShapiro (Click to Tweet!)

Virginia Woolf calls this "the cotton wool." As in, most of our daily existence is spent moving from one thing to the next. Muffled. Waiting. In limbo—leaving the past behind or leaning into the future. The real moment of arrival, Woolf calls "moments of being." These are the hours in which we feel most truly and authentically alive.

Don't we want more of these? I would love to make every single moment a moment of being.

As a writer, the way I come to know myself is through the written word. The ways in...

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On owning it

by Seth Godin

If you announce what you want, if you are clear about what's on offer, if you set goals…

  • the chances of accomplishing your goal go up, and so does…
  • the chance that you will be disappointed

For many people, apparently, it's better to not get what you want than it is to be disappointed. The resistance is powerful indeed.

Every time you use waffle words, back off from a clear statement of values and priorities, and, most of all, think about what's likely instead of what's possible, you are selling yourself out. Not just selling yourself out, but doing it too cheaply.

Own your dreams. There is no better way to make them happen.

Seth Godin has written fourteen books that have been translated into more than thirty languages. Every one has been a bestseller. He writes about the post-industrial revolution, the way ideas spread, marketing, quitting, leadership, and, most of all, changing everything.

*Image courtesy of visual.dichotomy.


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