Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A wrong but useful model and more…

Enjoy the gift of today. Let the posts below challenge, inspire, and spark something inside of you.

A wrong but useful model and more…


A wrong but useful model

by Michael Bungay Stanier

George Box – statistician by day, snappy sound-bite creator by night – said "all models are wrong, but some are useful."

That's already helpful. Frameworks and dogmas help frame our world, but none is the truth, only a pathway to get a little closer to what really matters.

Me? I'm looking for models that might help me get closer to a life with more meaning and more impact. I suspect you might be too, and if you are then here's a model you might find useful.

Three buckets

Everything you do falls into one of three buckets…

Bad Work: The mind-numbing, soul-sucking, life-draining work. The work that – if you stopped and thought about it – you'd say to yourself: This is my one and precious life. What the heck am I doing? You probably know exactly what I'm talking about as soon as I mentioned it.

Good Work: Best summed up as your job description – whether or not you hold down a regularly paying job. It's the day-to-day stuff, the work that...

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11 Productivity tips that creative types already know

by Danielle LaPorte

Creative types get typecast as meandering goal setters for a reason. They tend to meander. We resist structure (even tho' we crave it). We relish spontaneity (even tho' we're intrigued by five-year goal setting plans). We tend to be driven by inspiration (when we're not obsessed with looking good on paper or to our parents—who still can't figure out how we make a living). We get there in our own way and when the "flow" works, we're so smokin' productive that pert charts and to-do lists cringe in the wake of our creative productivity. Creatives have a thing or two to teach the Linears and the Planners.

Creative Productivity That Works for Both Artistes & A-Type Personalities

1. APPROACH EVERYTHING AS A CREATIVE OPPORTUNITY. There is no separation between life and work. The same opportunities to express yourself or get great ideas are at the dinner table, in the stock exchange, and on the subway. Put yourself out there.


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It is only by acknowledging that you have created everything up until now that you can take charge of creating the future you want.

by Positively Positive

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