Thursday, November 7, 2013

4 Scripts to Tell Family & Friends (with compassion) You Need Alone Time and more…

Enjoy the gift of today. Let the posts below challenge, inspire, and spark something inside of you.

4 Scripts to Tell Family & Friends (with compassion) You Need Alone Time and more…


4 Scripts to Tell Family & Friends (with compassion) You Need Alone Time

by From Our Community

By Annika Martins

Anti-social. Selfish. Snob. Rude.

All words used to describe many of the tenderhearted introverts roaming the planet.

And in defense of our extroverted sisters and brothers, sometimes we introverts don't properly explain our need for alone time, so we can come across as inconsiderate or standoff-ish.

And no wonder! It can be complicated business to find gentle and direct language that will assure our family and friends that:

  1. Alone time will not last all year. Once our energetic well is filled back up, they'll hear from us very soon.
  2. Wanting solitude is not a personal attack on their company. We're not covertly trying to tell them that we don't actually like them. Not at all.

And on top of that…

How can we communicate all of this without feeling like we need to apologize for just being ourselves?

Definition of an apology: "a regretful acknowledgment of an offense or failure."

Being more introverted is not something to regret. It's...

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Why It's Okay to Make a Mess of Things

by Stephenie Zamora

Sometimes—okay, MANY times—in this life, you're going to build things up in a certain way just to tear it all down and start again. There are few (if any) people in this world who build a life and get it right the first time.

You have more than one shot to create a life you love.
@StephenieZ (Click to Tweet!)

So you went to college for a lot of years and a lot of money to become a lawyer, only to realize you hate everything about the law (and the big city) and just want to paint your days away on a farm in rural America.

So you married your high school sweetheart (he's a nice guy) and settled into domestic life (in a nice town), maybe even popped out a kid or two, only to realize that you want fiery and passionate love, to travel the world, and to sing in a rock band.

So you built up a business, filled your client docket, and started making a name for yourself, only to decide it's not right and you want to do something completely different…about three or four times...

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