Tuesday, November 5, 2013

How to Build the Biggest Building and more…

Enjoy the gift of today. Let the posts below challenge, inspire, and spark something inside of you.

How to Build the Biggest Building and more…


How to Build the Biggest Building

by Gary Vaynerchuk

There is a saying I heard a long time ago, and it goes like this:

There are two ways to build the biggest building in town: 1. Build the biggest building in town. 2. Tear down all the other buildings around you.

That saying has always stuck with me, and I'm so proud to think to be the kind of person who does the first option. I don't know exactly what it is. I think a lot of it is parenting. Although, really, I think I want to be confident that I won't be kicked on the way down one day. I think about "What if something changes? What if something bad happens? What if I make a critical mistake? What if a World War breaks out?" I think about these things, and I end up with a good feeling that, because I want to do good for many, that many are going to want to do good for me.

I'm very obsessed with my legacy. Recently, I've been making innuendos in interviews, something that my family has known for a long time, which is that I have a huge obsession with having as many...

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How to Be the Luckiest Guy on the Planet in 4 Easy Steps

by James Altucher

[My book Choose Yourself! also gives a version of the "Simple Daily Practice" and what to do in a crisis.]

I told my dad, "I'm a lucky guy." He said, "But are you lucky in love?" I was six years old. Love was the most disgusting thing in the world to me. What the hell was he talking about? Love was living in another neighborhood at that time. Or another planet. It would be years before Love stuck its ugly little nose into my house and said, "Hello, anyone here?"

Luck was all about rolling the dice. Or finding a quarter on the ground. Or seeing a double rainbow after a quick storm.

But now I'm different. I'm constantly checking in and out of the Hospital of No Luck.

I’m older. I need luck to be constantly transfused into me, or I run out of it. Without luck, I'm dead. For me, good luck equals happiness. On a scale of happiness from 0 to 10, I think I'm about a seven or eight. But that's a big improvement. When I was lying on the floor here, I...

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