Friday, November 8, 2013

The Big Question at the heart of it all and more…

Enjoy the gift of today. Let the posts below challenge, inspire, and spark something inside of you.

The Big Question at the heart of it all and more…


The Big Question at the heart of it all

by Michael Bungay Stanier

Having had twenty-five conversations with the twenty-five powerful speakers who make up the faculty of the Great Work MBA, you can guess that I've been thinking hard about what lies at the heart of doing more Great Work—that work that has more impact and gives you more meaning.

I'm inspired by the business and community thinker Peter Block, who once described his work as "giving people responsibility for their freedom."

In short: if this is your life (and it is), what are the choices you're making so you can shape it to be the best possible life, a life with as much Great Work as is ideal for you?

And here is the double-barreled question that creates the focus, courage, and resilience you need to do more Great Work.

Step 1: What are you saying Yes to?

Not "what have I apparently said Yes to?" or "What am I resigned to?" but "What do I want, and what do I choose?"

Getting clear on what you want and making that choice is extraordinarily powerful and far...

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Flip Fear into Courage…Fast

by Terri Cole

I often ask people to think: What if fear was just a feeling, not a fact?

This comes as a shock to most people, but you change your feelings all the time, and changing your fearful feelings is no different. When you have a fearful thought, that thought creates a feeling in your body, and that feeling dictates your actions.

If we can interrupt the space between the thought and the action—the feeling—we can transform our fear into courage.
@Terri_Cole (Click to Tweet!)

I'm going to teach you—right now—how you can quickly interrupt the cycle of thought to feeling to action, so you can make a choice rather than a knee-jerk reaction.

1. Think of something you are afraid of. (e.g. asking your boss for a raise, flying)
2. That thought just created a constricted feeling somewhere in your body. Put your hand where that feeling is.
3. Take a deep breath into that constricted spot. On your exhalation, feel that constriction blowing up into a million pieces.
4. On...

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I think it's every human's job to inspire others, to feed one another's senses. Inspiration begets inspiration times infinity. Imagine if the person that was inspired to create the phonograph didn't share it with the world.

by Positively Positive

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