Friday, November 1, 2013

Shorter Days Getting You Down? and more…

Enjoy the gift of today. Let the posts below challenge, inspire, and spark something inside of you.

Shorter Days Getting You Down? and more…


Shorter Days Getting You Down?

by Terri Cole

This weekend, we turn back the clock. On the one hand, I love the idea of that extra hour of sleep. On the other, the shorter days tend to make me a little "sad."

You'd think being amongst the bright lights of NYC, I wouldn't know day from night, but even in the hustle and bustle of the city that never sleeps, it's difficult to stay peppy and want to go for a walk after dinner when it's pitch black and cold. And waking up in the morning to hit that 7:00 a.m. yoga class? It's dark outside! I want to hit snooze and snuggle up to my husband, not venture out into the dark, cold city streets!

I guess I have to admit that I suffer from mild Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). While I love pumpkin soup, apple cider, and a roaring fire, my mood and energy definitely head south for the winter.

Research shows that people in northern climates more commonly suffer from SAD than their southern pals, thanks to less sunlight. Even 4.7% of NYC reports suffering from varying degrees of...

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I don't get it

by Seth Godin

Who is teaching us to look deeper?

If you read a blog post and it begins with an analogy about car dealers, is your instinct to say, "Well, I'm not a car dealer…" and then jump to the next post?

When you see something working (or not working) in the marketplace, something you don't understand, do you stop to figure out why it's working (or not working)? Or is it easier to change the attention channel and get back into line?

I've discovered (the hard way) three rules for writing a blog post that will spread:

  • Don't use unfamiliar words or concepts.
  • Avoid subtlety.
  • Try not to challenge deeply held beliefs.

Education, politics, marketing, tourist attractions—they all seem to work better when we keep people moving, behind the velvet rope, input and output, cause and effect, this then that. When the masses conform to the system we've built, the system works a whole lot better.

But who wants to be a cog in that machine? While playing it safe might...

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