Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Bike Ride That Changed My Life and more…

Enjoy the gift of today. Let the posts below challenge, inspire, and spark something inside of you.

The Bike Ride That Changed My Life and more…


The Bike Ride That Changed My Life

by Judah Schiller

When I was a teenager, I dreamed of becoming a rock star, an acclaimed fiction writer, and a famous abstract painter. As I grew older, it was to become an actor, a screenwriter, a Hollywood director, a celebrity chef. Then, in my thirties, I fantasized about training to become a yoga instructor and hosting spectacular retreats on the beaches of Costa Rica. (I still hang onto this one!)

To be truthful, I've day dreamed a heck of a lot about who I wanted to be or what I would become when I got older.

It actually kind of sucks to think about how much I wanted to become something but just could never muster the vision, courage, or determination to actually make that something happen. Even though I have had some nice, even noteworthy, career successes and my share of remarkable and transformative experiences in life—not always good but uniquely powerful, nonetheless—I've never felt like one of those lucky people who knew exactly what path to pursue in life and wound up living their...

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It's death on our heels all the time that really keeps us living

by KirstyTV

Born with a life expectancy of just ten years, fellow Positively Positive contributor Claire Wineland has gone on to not just survive but thrive, and she is the epitome of courage and optimism.

Claire says she was raised "day to day living in the moment."

When I first met Claire, it was at a TED talk for TEDx Malibu. This fifteen-year-old dynamite had the room in the palm of her hand and was giving them a little whopping to wake up and see what is important in life. I knew I had to interview her. There are few people who live with the kind of day to day challenges Claire does with such a zest for life.

Wise beyond her years, one of the core lessons she shared during our interview was to "stare down your challenges." She says she has become friends with her challenges.

"When you take away the fear, anxiety, and other emotions, the challenge itself isn't so bad."
@clairewineland (Click to Tweet!)

When asked what the biggest assumption people make about her is,...

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Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself.

by Positively Positive

Related Posts It's okay to learn from every experience, and it's okay to make mistakes. Mistakes Are Just Mis-Takes. Be Willing to Make Them! Take chances, make mistakes. That’s how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice being brave. Failure or Success: What Stops You?



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