Monday, November 25, 2013

Life Is Sad. And Awesome. Embrace It All. and more…

Enjoy the gift of today. Let the posts below challenge, inspire, and spark something inside of you.

Life Is Sad. And Awesome. Embrace It All. and more…


Life Is Sad. And Awesome. Embrace It All.

by Jennifer Pastiloff

I read a poem recently in my yoga class. A girl came up to me after and kind of batted her eyes, "That poem was so sad. Ugh." She was in a little fight with herself not to feel any sadness. "It was beautiful though, wasn't it?" I asked her. "Yes," she said, "but sad."

This past weekend, a woman in my workshop hesitated to read something out loud because, as she explained with a mouthful of guilt, "It's sad?"

She said it as a question, as if I'd have to give her permission to share this sadness, as if her own sadness would be powerful enough to corrupt our perfect, happy, flawless lives.

Life is sad.

Life is sad, I would have said, and it's also awesome and f*cked up and whimsical and has moments of joy and pain and laughter. But it's sad sometimes.

I wonder why we bury that so much.

Life is not just one thing. And sometimes, yes, it is sad. Embrace it all.
@JenPastiloff (Click to Tweet!)

By the way, here is the poem I read:


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What Is Sexy?

by Christine Gutierrez

There is this bogus notion that we must be perfect to be accepted, to be loved, to be cool, to be sexy, to be desired, and the list goes on.
I call bull-poop.

The truth is that I have never met anyone who's "perfect."

We are humans with human qualities and that, quite frankly, makes us messy, sometimes irrational, emotional crazy little creatures.

You can't take enough self-help courses and personal development workshops. You can't get enough surgeries to ever be "perfect."

Perfection comes in accepting non-perfection. Sexy is being you.
@cosmicchristine (Click to Tweet!)

The spiritual idea here is accepting both our divinity and our human-ness. So the traditional idea of perfect, we can never attain. But we can attain a new idea of perfection, which is accepting that, amidst the chaos of being human and making mistakes, you are still divine. Peace, then, is found in accepting the perfectly un-perfect you.

This topic tends to come up often with my clients...

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Something of Old

by Dodinsky

"Something of Old"

In pursuit of trivialities,
of fancy clothes,
shining cars
and brilliant careers,
we have to battle
insurmountable difficulties.

But people still shed their tears,
forgotten are the days
when something of old
like a warm embrace
was as precious as gold.


♥ Check out Dodinsky's book In the Garden of Thoughts.

Watch the In the Garden of Thoughts animated video for that extra boost of motivation!



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