Sunday, November 24, 2013

An Open Letter to Dream Bashers and more…

Enjoy the gift of today. Let the posts below challenge, inspire, and spark something inside of you.

An Open Letter to Dream Bashers and more…


An Open Letter to Dream Bashers

by Jen Groover

Yesterday, I overheard a conversation that really fired me up. I tried to forget about it, but as much as I tried, it continued to gnaw at me, and I realized I was deeply affected by it. Since my mom's mantra was always,

"You are not allowed to complain about something unless you are going to do something about it,"
@jengroover (Click to Tweet!)

I decided my solution, for now, would be this rant, to hopefully wake up some repulsive and, quite honestly, dangerous ignorance in this world and hopefully create a bigger, louder conversation for people who create toxic energy and judge and bash others (who are doing good in the world) to consider what they are saying and the damage they are doing before they say anything.

The statement I heard was from a woman I know, bashing a fellow entrepreneur colleague/friend of mine, saying, "I am so sick of seeing all her posts about her business everyday, constantly broadcasting what she is doing. It's so annoying. Who cares?"


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Want to Be Happy over the Holidays? Practice Forgiveness!

by Christine Carter

The holidays are not always a happy time for many people, particularly for adults who are disappointed or hurt year after year—that their family isn't what they want it to be, that they got stuck with all the gift-buying and holiday tasks, that they always do, do, do for everyone, everywhere, and no one seems particularly grateful.

Which makes the holidays a fruitful time to think about forgiveness. If we want to feel happy over the holidays, we need to let go of grudges from last year and prevent those same old transgressions from happening again—and in many (often very difficult) cases, anticipate the times we'll be expected to hold hands with family members who have hurt us.

My point: This holiday season will be a lot happier if we aren't angry and resentful. I've blogged before about how forgiveness is something we do for ourselves, to lead happier lives:

Few people fully realize the huge impact the ability to forgive can have on their happiness, nor do most people...

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One day you will wake up and there won't be any more time to do the things you've always wanted. Do it now.

by Positively Positive

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