Saturday, November 23, 2013

Give Thanks for This Body - Stop Shoulding Yourself and more…

Enjoy the gift of today. Let the posts below challenge, inspire, and spark something inside of you.

Give Thanks for This Body — Stop Shoulding Yourself and more…


Give Thanks for This Body — Stop Shoulding Yourself

by Hayley Hobson

As Americans, we spend an inordinate amount of time hearing about how inferior our bodies are. We're too tall or too short or too fat or too skinny. We see it everyday from Hollywood's standards to Victoria's Secret's standards, to Lululemon's standards, and, for some crazy reason, they become OUR standards. We are inundated with messages that we never eat healthy enough, take enough vitamins, or sleep or exercise enough. We're going to develop diabetes, arthritis, food allergies, have a heart attack, or get cancer.

And now, the holidays are upon us. We think it's normal to get stressed out and shovel crap food into our mouths because we are on the run and it's fast and easy.

And you know this dialogue is going to be running in your head:

"You should be working out. You should be eating salads instead of deviled eggs. You should be drinking sparkling water instead of champagne. You're not going to have enough time to workout, and you'll probably put on a couple...

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Avoid the Dangerous Allure of 'Potato-Chip News.'

by Gretchen Rubin

I've identified sixteen strategies to use for fostering habits, and one strategy is the Strategy of Distraction.

It's a highly effective strategy, particularly for people who are attracted to potato-chip news. I'm not attracted to potato-chip news, myself, so it took me a while to understand this challenge.

"Potato-chip news" is news that's repetitive, requires little effort to absorb, and is consumable in massive quantities: true crime, natural disasters, political punditry, celebrity gossip, sports gossip, or endless photographs of beautiful houses, food, or clothes.

We all have a duty to be educated citizens, but potato-chip news provides endless commentary, speculation, and images, rather than fresh facts or sophisticated analysis, and information is usually sensationalized.

Most people enjoy potato-chips news from time to time—to track a presidential election or the Oscars. However, some are particularly drawn to material that makes them feel shocked, frightened,...

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