Friday, November 22, 2013

Breaking Up in the Time of Facebook and more…

Enjoy the gift of today. Let the posts below challenge, inspire, and spark something inside of you.

Breaking Up in the Time of Facebook and more…


Breaking Up in the Time of Facebook

by Terri Cole

Back in the olden days, before social media ruled, when you had a falling out with a friend, quit or got fired from a job, or ended a relationship, that was it. Everyone went their separate ways. We moved on. Life went on.

Now, we are more connected than ever. That boy who pulled your hair in kindergarten is now your Facebook friend. You and the prom queen from high school follow each other on Instagram (And honestly you cannot believe how she has let herself go!). You follow President Obama and your seventh grade art teacher on Twitter. Everyone you've ever met, as well as many you've never met, are weirdly present in your daily life.

People meet, start relationships (and affairs), fight about politics, and air grievances online.

In our cyber driven lives, changing your relationship status from "in a relationship" to "single" on Facebook is the modern equivalent of the old Dear John letter, only worse because there are 4,000 "friends" reading that letter with...

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Make Your Next Vacation a Self-Love Vacation

by Laura Fenamore

I just got back from a vacation that changed my soul.

I know, I know, the word "vacation" evokes piña coladas, pools, trashy magazines, and indulgent dinners, not life-altering revelations. But instead of escaping for a week, only to come back to the same hang ups and issues, why not use a week off to dig into your emotional and psychological depths to help create a more fulfilling life the other fifty-one weeks of the year?

My spiritually cleansing vacation meant visiting the small town of Abadiania, Brazil, first in 2012 and again last month. Here I met with John of God, a world-renowned healer. I came to him for guidance on the next step in my process of healing from an abusive childhood, food and alcohol addictions, and painfully aggressive self-loathing. While I have come a long way—I teach body image courses and no longer turn to substances for comfort—I still strive for balance and will always look for opportunities to go deeper into my spiritual practice.

What I found...

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Why are you trying so hard to fit in, when you're born to stand out.

by Positively Positive

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