Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Do We Need a Coat of Armor? and more…

Enjoy the gift of today. Let the posts below challenge, inspire, and spark something inside of you.

Do We Need a Coat of Armor? and more…


Do We Need a Coat of Armor?

by Dani Shapiro

On a recent morning, as I was getting dressed for an appearance at a speaking engagement, I stood in front of my open closet doors and sorted through my speaking engagement clothes. Dark jeans or black pants, a silk blouse of some sort, a nice sweater or jacket. Boots with heels. I put on some make-up—just enough to hopefully erase the signs of the previous night, which involved a late dinner with friends at my favorite restaurant. I put my hair up, chose earrings, a necklace. A spritz of perfume. We all do a version of this, don't we? Whether we're speaking in public or boarding the train to work, we have our public selves and our private selves.

It was a weekend morning. My husband was in his office, working on a screenplay. My son was lolling in bed with his iPad. The dogs were crashed on the floor. And I was making the shift from private to public. And it wasn't easy. As I dressed, the feeling I had was one of arming myself—not because I wasn't looking forward to...

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7 Continents. 7 Marathons. 2 World Records. 1 Fourteen Year Old.

by Desiree Miller

When Winter Vinecki sets her mind to something, she makes it happen, living with the motto "Never Give In."

So, we shouldn't be all that shocked that, just Sunday, she succeeded at her goal of setting a few world records.

Want to know what is shocking?

Winter is just fourteen. That's right. FOURTEEN!

And yes, I said WORLD records. Two of them.

Winter is officially the youngest person to run a marathon on every continent. A full marathon (26.2 miles)! On every continent!

She and her mom, Dr. Dawn Estelle, are also the first mother/daughter team to run a marathon on every continent together. Most mothers and daughters would struggle to get through one. This pair did seven!

The last marathon was run on Sunday, November 10, in Athens, Greece. Fourteen-year-old Winter finished in four hours and three minutes (unofficially).

Impressive, right?

Well, she has plenty of motivation.

She runs in honor of her father, Michael Vinecki. He died in 2009 from prostate cancer. She...

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The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to use the stairs…one step at a time.

by Positively Positive

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