Saturday, November 30, 2013

Steps to Change and more…

Enjoy the gift of today. Let the posts below challenge, inspire, and spark something inside of you.

Steps to Change and more…


Steps to Change

by Michael Woolson

Over the years, I have gone through numerous transformations and have had the pleasure of helping facilitate growth in many of my clients. Even though we've learned that change can be good for us, it often feels uncomfortable to go through with it.

The way we deal with change affects our health, happiness, and the energy that we bring the world. If you are in acceptance of what is and are constantly open to what the world gives you and are creative with these possibilities, you will be healthier and happier.

It is no coincidence that people who look younger have the biggest tolerance to change.
@MichaelWoolson (Click to Tweet!)

Stagnation stems from resistance to what is true now, and that state reads on our faces and bodies as signs of fatigue, aging, and stress. We are literally fighting reality instead of being creative with it.

One of the big epiphanies that I had came in a class I took a few years ago. In this workshop, we talked about and identified the steps of change....

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How to Receive a Compliment When You Normally Have a Tough Time

by Hayley Hobson

The other day, I gave a long-time friend a compliment.

I thought she looked beautiful in the photo, so I told her.

Instead of saying "thank you," which is customary when someone compliments you, she said, with a huge beaming smile, "I know."


Wheels braking hard on pavement.


When I compliment someone, I don't expect her to respond with "I know." Kind of weird, huh?

And if I did, I would normally think that person was self-important, self-righteous, conceited, or an arrogant piece of you-know-what.

But in this case, I know my friend is none of the above.

This woman just clearly knows she's a bad ass. She's secure with herself and what she's got and is absolutely not apologizing for it, cowering, or shrinking for anyone.

She is a woman who is just fine receiving what she feels she is worth and what she deserves.

For a moment, I questioned her.

How could I not?

There is a fine line between arrogance and confidence and, typically, either one or the...

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Do You Fall Prey to These 4 Types of Impulse Purchases?

by Gretchen Rubin

When we're trying to change our buying habits, one challenge is that marketers are so clever at enticing us into making impulse purchases.

In David Lewis's book Impulse: Why We Do What We Do Without Knowing Why We Do It, he provides a list of the four main types of impulse buys, developed by industrial economist Hawkins Stern in 1962.

Do you recognize any of these categories in your own purchasing patterns?

1. Pure impulse buying—you make a true novelty purchase, or escape purchase, that's very different from your typical purchasing pattern

2. Reminder impulse buying—you see an item or remember something that reminds you that you need an item

3. Suggestion impulse buying—you see a product for the first time and imagine a need for it

4. Planned impulse buying—(Isn't this label an oxymoron? Oh well.) you make a purchase based on price specials, coupons, etc.

Now, I know that some folks out there are my fellow under-buyers, and we have to force ourselves to make impulse...

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The vision to see, the faith to believe, and the will to do will take you anywhere you want to go.

by Positively Positive

Related Posts I am always doing things I can’t do, that’s how I get to do them. A Vision to Heal Health Care Creating a Couple's Vision 2 Reasons Why Your Vision Board Might Suck (and How to Unsuck It)



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