Thursday, November 14, 2013

Practice Random Kindness… and more…

Enjoy the gift of today. Let the posts below challenge, inspire, and spark something inside of you.

Practice Random Kindness… and more…


Practice Random Kindness…

by Serena Dyer

Growing up, one of my parents had a bumper sticker on their car that said, "practice random acts kindness and senseless acts of beauty" along with another bumper sticker that said, "I am a proud parent unconditionally."

I have heard people talk about "random acts of kindness," but I never knew the power such a little event could have on someone.
@serenadyer (Click to Tweet!)

In July, my mom and I were in Maui doing wedding planning things for my upcoming wedding, which will take place there. We decided to stop at a little restaurant called Leoda's for lunch, and while we were eating there, my mom noticed a little girl, about four years old, wearing a cast on her arm and looking kind of down. My mom gave birth to seven children naturally and has dedicated her life to raising all of us in the most natural, loving, and kind environment that she and my Dad could dream up. Needless to say, my mom is very tuned in to children and very sensitive to their feelings.


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8 Things I Learned about Love from a Polygamous Family

by From Our Community

By Nate Bagley

Most of us monogamous folks have some extreme assumptions about plural marriage. Particularly in the case of polygyny (when a man is married to more than one wife), these descriptions aren't uncommon:

Misogynistic. Exploitive. Unethical. Manipulative. Distasteful. Selfish. Sexist.

But, I recently sat down with a polygamous family to talk to them about their marriages, and I have to tell you, I believe these people know more about what love really is than most of us monogamous folks. Here are eight lessons about love I learned from a polygamous family.

1. Commitment shouldn't change based on your happiness level.

Happiness is an emotional state, and emotions are volatile, unstable beasts. If you're only willing to stay committed as long as it makes you happy, you turn into a love addict. (That's a real thing.)

It's easy to bounce from relationship to relationship in an effort to chase down happiness. We forget that happiness isn't something that's found; it...

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The toughest thing that you have to do today is wake up. Just ask anybody who didn't! They'll tell you how tough it really is. So just by waking up, you're a total success. Everything after that is easy.

by Positively Positive

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