Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Feast on Gratitude. Day ONE: Gratitude Champions and more…

Enjoy the gift of today. Let the posts below challenge, inspire, and spark something inside of you.

Feast on Gratitude. Day ONE: Gratitude Champions and more…


Feast on Gratitude. Day ONE: Gratitude Champions

by Elena Brower

We are thrilled to have Positively Positive host our "Feast on Gratitude." This is a three-day meditation practice—today, tomorrow, and Friday. These meditations are perfect for this time of year, but feel free to use them any time you need to open space and allow more gratitude to flow.

I hope you take this time to find stillness and silence and allow my dear friend Dave Romanelli and I to guide you.

Context for our first day: An incredibly elegant homeless woman lives near Dave in NYC. She warms her food on a gas burner on the sidewalk; she sits beautifully tall and holds so much grace. He told me about her, and his observation of her appreciation of the smallest aspects of her experience as the source of her grace.

With this sitting, we'll practice opening the interior space, locating the sweet flow of our breathing, and consider one aspect of life for which we can be grateful. Then we'll notice where that gratitude resides in our body and use our breathing from within...

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the secret to self promotion: radiance and the facts, jack

by Danielle LaPorte

Dear Danielle,

"Can I ask a question? I love working for myself and don't want it any other way, but it seems that when you work for yourself, you have to be a salesperson. I'm not a huge fan of sales people and hate feeling like I'm pushing something on someone. If you have any opinions on that, I'd love to hear them!"
- Dani Griffin (via Facebook)

Dear Dani and the leagues of people who hate self promotion:

I never really understood people who are loathe to sell themselves or the stuff they make. But then again, my whole twenties (okay, and thirties) was solar-powered by the rays of my seduction. From boys to gigs to new age notions, I had a deal for you! "I got what you want, and you don't even know you want it. And I make house calls."

Now? Meh. I've got what I've got, which is a lot. If that warms your cockles, let's talk. If not, my engine is running, and I trust that your tribe is waiting for you elsewhere. Meep meep.

Do I sell myself? Damn...

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