Thursday, October 24, 2013

Riding the Waves of Life, Love, and Creativity and more…

Enjoy the gift of today. Let the posts below challenge, inspire, and spark something inside of you.

Riding the Waves of Life, Love, and Creativity and more…


Riding the Waves of Life, Love, and Creativity

by Chris Assaad

For the past few days, I've had that familiar feeling that there's something within me that wants to be expressed, but every time I approach the blank page or my instrument, it doesn't seem to want to come out. Or at least not the way I want it to. There's a voice in my head that wants to shout out and cry doom by labeling my current state as "writer's block." I used to believe in such a thing, but now I have a different perspective after coming to this point enough times and getting to the other side of it.

It has been said that art imitates life, and I have been observing a very interesting pattern lately that is equally relevant to both the creative and spiritual path.

For some reason, many of us, most of us, carry the unspoken belief that we're supposed to feel amazing all the time. As soon as we feel less than, our internal alarms go off, signaling that "something's wrong," and then, like any self-protecting and fit to survive creature would do, we go...

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I Beg You to Quit Pretending

by Dr. Lissa Rankin

A friend of mine called me to confide in me about how she was struggling in her marriage, and after listening to her story and meeting it with compassion instead of the judgment she feared, I confessed that my marriage wasn't going so well either. I shared with her the struggles Matt and I have been dealing with for several years now, and her response was, "I would never have guessed that in a million years. You two just seem so perfect together."

A week later, the same friend called to tell me that she had finally opened up to a few other friends about her marital struggles, and lo and behold, every single one of them had confided in her about their own marital struggles. She said, "Lissa, why have I not known I wasn't alone? Why have I been suffering, thinking I was the only one whose marriage was screwed up, when I'm surrounded by people I love who are going through the same thing?" We pinky promised to talk openly with people about the ways in which the...

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