Wednesday, October 23, 2013

If You Want to Be Wealthy, Serve Others and more…

Enjoy the gift of today. Let the posts below challenge, inspire, and spark something inside of you.

If You Want to Be Wealthy, Serve Others and more…


If You Want to Be Wealthy, Serve Others

by Serena Dyer

Yesterday, I had lunch with my mom Marcelene, my younger sister Saje, and two other women, Somy and Erica. Somy contacted me through a mutual friend regarding an organization she founded called No More Tears. Erica is an attorney who helps Somy with legal cases regarding the women that Somy serves. When we walked into the restaurant to meet these women, I was immediately struck with how physically beautiful both of them are. These women are stunning! Somy is a former Bollywood star who moved back to the U.S. to be closer to her family and ended up using her Bollywood savings to educate herself in both college and grad school. After finishing school, Somy founded her organization, No More Tears.

I have been involved with No More Tears (NMT) for two days now, and I can tell you that this organization and the work they are doing has brought me a lot of tears. A ton, actually. Over the last forty-eight hours, I have quietly wept to myself on numerous occasions, for a multitude of...

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you're not that important

by Danielle LaPorte

This is not a philosophical declaration to carry around in your heart. Rather, it's a soul-teaser to wind through your bean and shake up some thought forms.

The world will go on if
: you don't show up at work.
: you don't post to your blog tomorrow.
: you cancel the meeting.
: you stay in bed all day.
: you don't sign the contract.
: you don't answer the phone.
: you don't check your email.
: you leave town.

CEO, #1, Captain, President, The Leader.
Who cares. It's just business, moving parts, day to day. You can be replaced.

Mother. Father. Teacher.
Aside from single parents caring for little ones, you're just not the only influence in your children's lives. They may not even want to stick around when they grow up. You may never be thanked. They will find their way with or without you.

Lover. Partner. So-called Significant Other.
Replaceable. And God knows, as a partner, you can certainly be improved upon.

You're one...

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Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'

by Positively Positive

Related Posts It's Not Going to Turn out the Way You Thought Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life! The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it. Habits of a Truly Conscious Person



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