Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Do You Do the Twist? and more…

Enjoy the gift of today. Let the posts below challenge, inspire, and spark something inside of you.

Do You Do the Twist? and more…


Do You Do the Twist?

by Laurie Gerber

If you are having difficulties in a relationship, you know that you need to have a conversation to resolve your issues. And yet, if you are anything like the rest of us, you really don't want to.

In my Art of Tough Conversations workshops, right after I lay out all of the benefits of talking through difficult issues with people in your life—clarity, intimacy, opportunity, leadership, and even money—my clients' immediate reaction is to fight me for why they shouldn't have to have the conversation. Yes, sometimes we are just more comfortable "hating on" someone than finding our love for and forgiveness of them. And yet anyone who has gone through a difficult, vulnerable conversation with someone to sort out what went wrong and restore the relationship knows it's worth it.

Yes, you have to let go of control and push through fear, but on the other side is everything you want from relationships.

You've probably noticed that in order to be ready to have one of these...

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How to Have a Service (Not a Servitude) Mentality

by Jovanka Ciares

This is a world of action and reaction, cause and effect, of karma. Our thoughts and actions can affect others just like they affect us. When you do something nice for someone, for example, that generous act of giving affects both the giver (you) and the receiver in a positively way. If your actions are questionable, produce negative energy, or are ill intended, you will create unrest and imbalance in yourself and others as well.

What you give is what you receive, and the more you give, the more you will receive.

Wouldn't it make sense then to live a life of generosity and service instead of one of selfishness and conflict?

Any actions done to benefit others is a service provided to others. Let me give you an example. A few winters ago, I was walking down a wet and somewhat slippery underpass to my train station. At the end of the underpass, right before the stairs that lead to the train platform, there is a rest area. There, all alone, was a heavyset woman in her late twenties....

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