Enjoy the gift of today. Let the posts below challenge, inspire, and spark something inside of you. by Elena Brower "Feast on Gratitude" is a three-day meditation practice, hosted by Positively Positive, guided by Elena Brower and Dave Romanelli. For day one, click here. Today, we'll practice a simple mantra as our "gratitude workout," which grants us the chance to practice gratitude in our minds so that our bodies can have the experience of gratitude more of the time. Dave tells us the sweetest story about himself as a little kid, doing only bicep curls at the gym, with his skinny little legs and his big teeth and his huge biceps. Whether in mind or body, we grow our capacity wherever we put our attention, so if we practice putting our attention on gratitude, we're more likely to have grateful thoughts more of the time.  Practice using the simple mantra quietly to yourself or out loud in a whisper. Even when your body or... Read the whole entry » by Chris Assaad Dear God, Thank you for this beautiful day, this moment right here. I'm alive and with both eyes I can see, And with both ears I can hear. Thank you for the gift of life and love My heart's filled up and I've always had more than enough To eat and drink, to sleep and dream To wake and find all you provide for me so abundantly. Thank you for all the people I know. The ones I can't help but love and the ones that help me grow. Thank you for all my brothers and sisters, For all my teachers and listeners, And for anyone you've ever sent to hear or bring a message. Yes, I know we're all connected. I know we are all one and I'm blessed to have a witness. Yes, I am blessed to be your son. Thank you for all the little things that lift me up and make me sing. The power of a simple smile, the sweetness of a soft touch and the soothing sound of a voice I haven't heard in a while. Thank you for the cozy feeling I get from... Read the whole entry » by Robin Lee Every night on Facebook and Twitter, I hold Gratitude Parties. Gratitude Parties are where people from all over the world take time to share three things they are grateful for. I find myself often sitting back with a cup of tea enjoying reading the gems of gratitude that everyone comes up with—feeling inspired as to the simple things people find to be grateful for. Oftentimes, I am asked what the connection between Healing and Gratitude is. In order to allow our bodies the greatest ability to heal themselves, we need to be able to take inventory of where we are putting our focus, time, and energy. How much of our lives do we spend waiting for things to happen, trying to change people and situations around us, and focusing on things we really don't like in our lives? I invite you to start paying attention. Have you ever taken the time to notice how focusing on the things you don't like makes you physically feel? Most often, when we focus on the things we don't like—in... Read the whole entry » by Positively Positive Related Posts Healing an Injury, A Patient's Perspective. Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does. Always concentrate on how far you have come rather than how far you have left to go. The difference in how easy it seems will amaze you. Learn Thy Lesson, Heal Thyself by Selena Soo Have you ever gone above and beyond to help someone? Perhaps you spent two hours on the phone with them offering advice in your area of expertise. Or maybe you connected them to a valuable resource or person to help them with their career, relationship, or health. Sometimes, you may even rearrange your schedule and cancel existing commitments to help someone during a time of great need. In the moment, the person you are helping may say a quick "thanks!" but after that, you never hear from them again. This happened to me last year. A colleague who was unemployed reached out to me. She had been job-hunting for months and was stressed out, frustrated, and losing hope. Every day she'd been sending out her resume, but getting no response. She asked for my help, and I ended up connecting her to the president of a major company looking to hire someone just like her. Two months later, she got a senior level position with a six-figure salary! I found out about this when she announced her... Read the whole entry » More Recent Articles | |
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