Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Illness: It’s What’s on the Inside that Matters and more…

Enjoy the gift of today. Let the posts below challenge, inspire, and spark something inside of you.

Illness: It's What's on the Inside that Matters and more…


Illness: It's What's on the Inside that Matters

by Laura Fenamore

I was a binge eater pretty much out of the womb. Born into a family with an abusive father and a passive mother, I ate to find comfort. Eating put me in a physical and emotional stupor that allowed me to tune out the pain of home. It also led to early obesity. By the time I was ten, I weighed close to 100 pounds.

Even after I left home, the binge eating stayed. It had become a deeply imbedded part of me. My feelings of lack of worth and shame were tied to my body and to food, creating a big, messy psychological pattern. It took hard work to find the self-love I needed to realize that I could overcome my eating disorder. And I did—I lost 100 pounds in the year after my twenty-fourth birthday, and I've kept it off for twenty-six years. I clearly knew firsthand that binge eating was a psychological disorder. So I was surprised to hear that binge eating was added to the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders just a few months ago. As the New York Times pointed out in a...

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I was going to write a self-help book, but instead I just made this.

by Dallas Clayton

Reasons people around you are bummed:

1. They don't know what they want.
2. They know what they want but can't get it.
3. They have what they wanted, but it's not what they expected.

Dallas Clayton wrote a book for his son about the idea of dreaming big and never giving up. Dallas put it online, and his whole life changed forever. Because of that, he started a Foundation to give away one book for every copy of An Awesome Book he sells. Now, he writes children's books for a living, travels the world reading to kids, and spends his days having magical adventures. Visit Dallas at A Very Awesome World or on Twitter.  

Click the image below to see Dallas' library of "Awesome" books!



Don't believe everything you hear—even in your own mind.

by Positively Positive

Related Posts Become the Master of Your Own Mind What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say. When I hear excuses muttered from another, I'm reminded to stop repeating those of my own. Leave the Multitasking to Your Computer: Relax and Un-Mind



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